Junior Festivals
Held in January, February or March, this is the biggest activity of our year! Participants perform and receive an evaluation rated on individual merits. This encourages a high standard of achievement while stimulating interest in American and world music literature. Sponsored by the National Federation of Music Clubs, the Gold Cup Awards keep the Junior members focused on continuing their musical training. Judges also choose the most outstanding performers to be featured in our annual Honors Recital. This year, in lieu of a recital, exceptional performances will be recognized with an Honors Certificate.
Juniors earning Superior in Festival are eligible to compete in the LFMC Junior Convention and Competition which is usually held at the University of New Orleans.
Metairie Music Club proudly sponsors three awards: the $200 Moderately Difficult 2 & 3 Piano Award, the $100 Moderately Difficult 1 Piano Award, and the $300 Senior 1-3 Musical Theater Voice Award.
Important Information
The NFMC online Festivals management system, known as “Vivace,” is fully functional and all 2025 Festivals this will be conducted by using it. All existing members and students of Metairie Music Club have been entered and will use it for this year’s Festivals. Teachers should access the system to enter any new students who will be entering Festivals for the first time this year. Online help for this procedure is available.
Vivace will handle all student registrations, selection of pieces, generation of invoice (fees), printing of Judge’s Sheets and reporting of results including awarding of cups. Registrations for a specific Festival are usually opened on or shortly after January 1st.
There will only be one master Festival for all disciplines. This is necessary to calculate the proper fees for students who participate in multiple events and/or on multiple instruments. Fees must be paid by check and mailed (or given directly) to Mark Vile, MMC Treasurer, 1501 Airline Park Blvd, Metairie, LA 70003, and be received by February 10, 2024. Do NOT delay payment because the USPS can be very slow these days.
New members who are teachers and are planning to enter students in Festivals will need to contact the MMC system administrator, Mark Vile, markvile@cox.net, in order to be set up in the system. Once you are set up you can access Vivace and explore the many help screens and videos to learn how to use it.
MMC Vivace Administrator: Mark Vile
Please contact Mark or Irene Vile for assistance: (markvile@cox.net, eyedine@cox.net)
Festival Fees: $21.00 for the first event and $10.00 for each additional event.
2025 Deadlines:
December 14, 2024 – Deadline for piano and musicanship festivals
January 15, 2025 – Deadline for voice
February 8, 2025 – Piano and Musicianship Festival (check Piano/Musicianship page for further details)
TBD – Strings Festival – (check Strings Festival page for further details)
February 15, 2025- Voice Festival- (check Voice Festival page for further details)
The three Festivals Chairmen will email all rules and guidelines regarding their specific Festivals to those teachers.
Festival Fees: $21.00 for the first event and $10.00 for each additional event.
Piano and Musicianship Festival Forms
For additional information, please go to the Piano and Musicianship page
ALL registration will be done through VIVACE. Please check with the Chairmen for additional details.
2025 MMC Piano Festival Instructions
MMC Festival Work Schedule 2025
LFMC Guidelines for Junior Counselors (2023 forms pending)
Transfer Student Information Form (JR 3-1)
SCJM Application (JR 3-13) (if necessary)
12 Year Superior Application (JR 3-16) (if necessary)
Strings Festival Forms
For additional information, please go to the Strings Festival page
NEW FOR 2023
ALL registration will be done through VIVACE. Please check with the Chairmen for additional details.
2023 MMC Strings Festival Instructions pending
MMC Festival Work Schedule 2023
LFMC Guidelines for Junior Counselors (2023 forms pending)
Transfer Student Form (JR 3-1)
Student Event History (JR 3-11)
SCJM Application (JR 3-13) (if necessary)
12 Year Superior Application (JR 3-16) (if necessary)
Voice Festival Forms
For additional information, please go to the Voice Festival page
ALL registration will be done through VIVACE. Please check with the Chairmen for additional details.
LFMC Guidelines for Junior Counselors (2023 forms pending)
Transfer Student Information (JR 3-1)
Student Event History (JR 3-11)
SCJM Application (JR 3-13) (if necessary)
12 Year Superior Application (JR 3-16) (if necessary)
Metairie Music Club
Metairie Music Club, a non-profit organization made up of professional and non-professional individuals interested in the promotion of music in our community, encourages your participation in all of our events.
© 2023 Metairie Music Club
Contact Us
We encourage you to contact the Metairie Music Club with any questions.
Email: MetairieMusicClub@gmail.com