To make Music an integral part of the civic, industrial, educational and vocational life of our nation.
To encourage and advance American creative musical art and to promote American artists.
To uphold high musical standards, and through education and organization, make America the music center of the world.
Federation Collect
We praise and thank Thee, Father, for the gift of music. Through us, as channels of Thy grace, may this blessed legacy be shared with all mankind. Grant that we may exemplify in our own lives the harmony of thy great purpose for us. Give us magnitude of soul and such understanding hearts that we, who make music, may be as players upon rightly tuned instruments responding to Thy leading. Let us with renewed consecration dedicate ourselves to the purpose of our Federation, to bring the spiritualizing force of music to the inner life of our nation. Open our minds that Divine knowledge and wisdom may teach us how best to execute our pledge.
Formation History
During the Summer of 1964, numerous meetings were held by a group of ladies from the Metairie area who were all interested in the formation of a music club in their immediate vicinity. Assisting the group towards this end was Nina Stackpole, who at the time was chairman of the New Orleans District of the Louisiana Federation of Music Clubs. Out of these meetings, the Metairie Senior Music Club was formed. Formal organization of the club is stated as taking place on September 25, 1964. In those days, the Club met on the second Wednesday of each month, September through May, 10:30 A.M.
Charter Members
Kathryne Creamer
Ronnie Dykhuisen
Voncyle Henderson
Eleanor Heuer
Kitty Houser
Sue Kimbrel
Dale LeMaire
Marion Meibaum
Martha Murphy
Barbara Nester
Mary Lou Pope
Charlotte Sebastian
Betty Siladie
Evelyn Smith
Sherrill Vonosdol
Past Presidents
Ruth Moore 1964-1965
Kitty Houser 1965-67
Iris Arena 1967-70
Diana Cangemi 1970-72
Barbara Kerrigan 1972-73
Laris Compton 1973-75
Sue Kimbrel 1975-77
Olive Craighead 1977-79
Kathy Kappel 1979-81
Joy Harvey 1981-83
Pat Babcock 1983-87
Margaret Norton 1987-89
Patsy Padgett 1989-91
Sally Fischer 1991-93
Melanie Perez 1993-95
Nancy Carollo 1995-97
Bonnie Knowles 1997-99
Barbara Nester 1999-2001
Margarita Harvey 2001-2003
Iris Villarrubia 2003-2005
Jill Adoue 2005-2007
Irene Vile 2007-2009
Bonnie Knowles 2009-2011
LoAnn Menzel 2011-2013
Margarita Harvey 2013-2015
Diana Cangemi 2015-2017
Mary Monsted 2017-2019
Mark Vile 2019-2021
Sheila Schwartzmann 2021-2023
Members Serving in National, State and District Capacities
Jill Adoue
LFMC Competitions and Awards Committee
Diana Cangemi
NFMC Festivals Bulletin Advisor-Voice Section
Joy Harvey
LFMC Junior Convention Committee, LFMC Nominating Committee, LFMC Competitions and Awards Committee
Kim Harvey
NFMC Board Member-at-Large, NFMC Finance Committee, NFMC Budget Committee, Southeastern Region Camp Meeting Ad-Hoc Team, LFMC Treasurer, LFMC Finance Division Chairman, LFMC Investments Chairman
Margarita Harvey
NFMC Music in Poetry Chairman, LFMC Competitions and Awards Committee, LFMC Arts Advocacy Chair
Bonnie Knowles
NFMC Festivals Bulletin Advisor-Voice Section, NFMC Voice Section Chairman, LFMC Junior Convention Committee
Jeri Landry
NFMC Music in Poetry LFMC Chairman
Melanie Perez
NFMC Board Member Representing Louisiana, NFMC Young Artist Chairman, NFMC Young Artist Committee, LFMC Finance Committee, LFMC Competitions and Awards Division Chairman, LFMC Junior Convention Committee, LFMC Website Chairman, LFMC Nominating Committee, LFMC Junior Composers Chairman
Sheila Schwartzmann
LFMC President-Elect (2020-2021)
Irene Vile
NFMC Past Presidents Assembly Chair, NFMC Board Member-At-Large, LFMC Finance Committee, LFMC Junior Division Chairman, LFMC Junior Convention Chairman, LFMC Competitions and Awards Committee, LFMC Nominating Committee, LFMC Festival Committee, LMFC Choral Music Chairman
Mark Vile
NFMC Young Artist Committee, LFMC Parliamentarian, LFMC Junior Convention Committee, LFMC Online Festivals Management Chairman, LFMC Festival Committee, LFMC Finance Committee, LFMC Competitions and Awards Committee, LFMC Website Chair
Metairie Music Club
Metairie Music Club, a non-profit organization made up of professional and non-professional individuals interested in the promotion of music in our community, encourages your participation in all of our events.
© 2023 Metairie Music Club
Contact Us
We encourage you to contact the Metairie Music Club with any questions.
Email: MetairieMusicClub@gmail.com