Metairie Music Club is a non-profit organization made up of professional and non-professional individuals interested in the promotion of music in our community. This club functions under and is affiliated with the Louisiana Federation of Music Clubs and the National Federation of Music Clubs. Metairie Music Club provides a wide variety of venues to reach the goals listed in our Purpose statement. It supports all NFMC Goals, such as Song of the Month, Sacred Music, Opera, Choral Music, Chamber Music, String Music, and Music Outreach. Our Festivals, Award Programs, Contests, and Competitions are directed towards our younger Junior members, pre-kindergarten through high school. Our monthly meetings offer opportunities for performance as well as musical enjoyment for the audience. The Melodears, our singing group, takes music into local nursing facilities.
Metairie Music Club is active in many areas and continues to grow with your participation. Please visit this website often to obtain the necessary information regarding all Metairie Music Club activities for the upcoming year and to reap the full benefit of your membership.
Registration Form
All members must mail a completed Senior Member or Junior Club registration form along with annual dues to the Treasurer. Metairie Music Club dues are due October 1.
Teachers, your students can also be members! Once you establish and name your Junior Club and pay Junior Club dues, your students can participate in all activities and competitions. Junior Club dues are also due October 1 along with membership dues.

Metairie Music Club
Metairie Music Club, a non-profit organization made up of professional and non-professional individuals interested in the promotion of music in our community, encourages your participation in all of our events.
© 2023 Metairie Music Club
Contact Us
We encourage you to contact the Metairie Music Club with any questions.
Email: MetairieMusicClub@gmail.com