2025 Voice Festival
Date: February 15, 2025
Location: UNO Performing Arts Building
Registration Deadline: January 15, 2025
Held in January, February or March, this is the biggest activity of our year! Participants perform and receive an evaluation rated on individual merits. This encourages a high standard of achievement while stimulating interest in American and world music literature. Sponsored by the National Federation of Music Clubs, the Gold Cup Awards keep the Junior members focused on continuing their musical training. Judges also choose the most outstanding performers to be featured in our annual Honors Recital. This year, in lieu of a recital, exceptional performances will be recognized with an Honors Certificate.
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: January 15, 2025. Please note that you must
register on Vivace by 11:59 pm EST. After that time you will be locked out of
RULES: Please read carefully the rules and regulations in the 2024-2028
NFMC Bulletin as there have been some changes. There are also several
errors/omissions in the vocal section and it is your responsibility to go to the
NFMC website at www.nfmc-music.org to check for repertoire corrections,
etc. Please note that there are 15 pages of corrections for the Voice Section.
PROGRESSION: Any student who earned a superior rating at the last festival
must progress to the next higher level with some exceptions. Please read all of
the rules on Page 144.
DUET PARTNERSHIPS: The lowest permissible class is the lower partner’s
solo class. Also, the entrants’ solo classes must be within 2 levels of each
ACCOMPANISTS: Please furnish the name of each student’s accompanist in the
appropriate place in Vivace. We need this information in order to avoid
scheduling conflicts.
MUSIC FOR JUDGES: Students must provide an original score for the judge.
Legally downloaded music is acceptable. Failure to do so will result in
MUSICIANSHIP THEORY TESTS: To be administered at Piano Festival on
February 8 at Atonement Lutheran School.
MAKE-UPS: Please contact Bonnie Knowles to request a make-up if a student
is unable to sing on festival day.
HONORS RECITAL: After much discussion it has been decided that we will no
longer hold an Honors Recital. Judges will choose outstanding students for an
“honors performance” designation and a certificate will be given to
each of those students.
TRANSFER STUDENTS: Please make a note in Vivace.
SCHEDULING: Please indicate any scheduling requests in the appropriate
place in Vivace.
FORMS: Some forms have been changed or completely eliminated. Please
make sure that you are using current forms from the NFMC or MMC websites.
They should be dated 2021 (NFMC) or 2023 (MMC).
1. NFMC form JR 3-8 Festivals Official Application is no longer required.
2. TEACHER’S LIST: This form is no longer required since all information
is now in Vivace.
3. RATING SHEETS: no rating sheets are needed. These will be generated
through Vivace and printed out by Mark. I will have them at Festival.
4. 3 X 5 Index Cards: You do not need to submit these for new students.
5. Payments: Payments will be automatically calculated in Vivace and each
teacher will receive an invoice. Please mail or drop off your check to:
Mark Vile: 1501 Airline Park Blvd., Metairie, LA 70003.
Call me with any questions at 504-812-5681. Thanks for your participation!
Chairman: Bonnie Knowles
For more information on the Voice Festival, Email Bonnie Knowles
ALL registration will be done through VIVACE. Please check with the Chairmen for additional details.
2025 MMC Voice Festival Instructions
MMC Festival Work Schedule 2025
LFMC Guidelines for Junior Counselors (pending)
Transfer Student Form (JR 3-1)
SCJM Application (JR 3-13)
12 Year Superior Application (JR 3-16)
Metairie Music Club
Metairie Music Club, a non-profit organization made up of professional and non-professional individuals interested in the promotion of music in our community, encourages your participation in all of our events.
© 2023 Metairie Music Club
Contact Us
We encourage you to contact the Metairie Music Club with any questions.
Email: MetairieMusicClub@gmail.com