Music Clubs
The Metairie Music Club is affiliated with the Louisiana Federation of Music Clubs and the National Federation of Music Clubs. Several of our members serve in state and national capacities.
Louisiana Federation of Music Clubs
The official website of the LFMC. LFMC Junior Counselors applying for any LFMC awards MUST download application forms from this site. Federated in 1928, LFMC’s goals are to promote American music and musicians, to aid and encourage music education, and to develop and maintain the highest standards of musical creativity and performance.
National Federation of Music Clubs
The official website of the NFMC. With a membership of 155,000+ musicians and non-musicians who love and support the performing arts, NFMC is a non-profit organization and the largest philanthropic musical organization in the world. Founded in 1898, NFMC has a rich musical heritage and is proud to be an NGO member of the United Nations and is chartered by the Congress of the United States. Available at the Local, State, and National Federation levels, approximately $750,000 in scholarship and award opportunities are offered to young musicians from all age groups.
Metairie Music Club
Metairie Music Club, a non-profit organization made up of professional and non-professional individuals interested in the promotion of music in our community, encourages your participation in all of our events.
© 2023 Metairie Music Club
Contact Us
We encourage you to contact the Metairie Music Club with any questions.